Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Blog Posting #4 -21st Century Skills & Lifelong Learning

Ever since I started teaching I have found that I don't subscribe to the traditional methods of instruction.  The problem that I see is that education isn't just about books, and content but it involves skills and traits that are developed that help in the future.  I realize that I am a Social Studies teacher and I may be biased, but I haven't used science in any way, shape, or form since college.  I use relatively easy math to solve most problems.  However, I do use critical thinking and problem solving every week.  And after reading a few of the excerpts from other blogs I came across Mark Benn's blog about 21st Century Learning (http://mackinacfurtrader.blogspot.com/) and looked at a website he suggested called Partnership for 21st Century Skills (www.21stcenturyskills.org). 


Marc talks about the 5 C's in his blog and I can see how Critical Thinking, Creative Problem Solving, Communications, Collaboration, and Cross Cultural Relationship Building are valuable traits to have.  In preparing for my Meet the Teacher Night tonight I have had to do all of these traits and I can see that I have used a little of each in preparing for it. 


I have had to do a ton of Cultural Relationship Building down on the border with Mexico.  I have had many discussions in both english and spanish and have had to understand the role cultural plays on migration.  I have seen kids move in a out of my classes and realize that while I never placed a name on it, i was relating to them culturally. 


I have used many of these traits growing up overseas but to be honest, I am not sure if I have implemented them fully into my classroom.  I have used technology to solve problems, but I am not sure if I have challenged them enough with problem solving issues or critical thinking activities. 


I always talk about Lifelong Learning by talking about all the mistakes I have made over the years, but I have not truly incorporated my life lessons into the 5 C's.  This blog has been awakening on this front. 


In trying to understand my role in this learning process I watch a couple videos about 21st century skills called Thinkfinity.  It approaches learning by not looking at problems but looking for a solution to a problem.  I think as educators we tend to fit the saying "those who can do,  and those who can't teach," but I think I need to change the manner in which I present problems.  I think that I should approach each problem with the goal of solving it.  I realize that they can't solve each problem, but the process of trying to solve will build their critical thinking and problem solving skills.

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